Brothers and sisters, we hold this treasure in earthen vessels, that the surpassing power may be of God and not from us. -2 Cor 4:7
People often react to the news that God wants to use them to reach those outside the body of Christ by saying things like, “I’m not holy enough,” or “I can’t do ministry, I have my own issues to deal with.” The reality is that we all have fallen short of the glory of God. God doesn’t call the Qualified; He qualifies the Called. We all need to grow, forgive, let go, What God wants is for us to trust Him, say “yes,” and begin an awesome adventure co-working with Him. He has given us amazing gifts to use in the vital work of salvation for his glory, so that the world can truly know the love and devotion of our Heavenly Father. Our weaknesses prove two things — that we need God and that it’s His power working through us.
If you think that you are not worthy to do this work, brush up on the disciples of Jesus. Ask the Holy Spirit to remove this obstacle from your mind and heart and fill you with the truth of your identity, authority, and calling in Jesus. Ask Him to help you identify which gifts He wants you to use and to provide opportunities to use them.