Thus says the Lord: Here is my servant whom I uphold, my chosen one with whom I am pleased, upon whom I have put my spirit.
Isaiah 42:1
The prophet Isaiah lived about 700 years before Christ. His book is often called the fifth Gospel because so much of his writing describes the Messiah that God will send. We see his descriptions played out in the life of Jesus. Jesus is, first of all, described as a servant.
God sends his Son into the world to serve, not to be served. God sends his Son into the world to serve because he knows there are problems and pain in the world. He knows that people are suffering. God sends his Son as a servant and then Jesus puts his spirit in us and sends us to bring healing to a broken world.
The problems of the world do not catch God off guard. He sends his Son and he sends us to solve them. Thank God today that he sent his Son into the world to bring healing. Ask God how he wants you to serve others today.