And they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. But when these signs begin to happen stand firm and raise your heads because your redemption is at hand.
Luke 21:27-28
Jesus describes a time of tribulation when the Temple in Jerusalem will be destroyed. Most people will be scared to death. Jesus says that his followers can have the opposite reaction. They are to stand firm and look toward him because their redemption is coming.
When big problems and major changes hit us, we don’t have to be scared. We can be grateful and focus our attention on Jesus, who is the Son of Man. The name “Son of Man” communicates both Jesus’ humanity and divinity. It means that Jesus understands our pain and struggles and also has the power to do something about them.
Faith is thanking God in advance. Faith means we thank God that he understands our major problems and that he is working out all things for our good through them. Thank God today that whatever major problems or issues you are facing, he is using them for your good.