This is the second week of a series we are calling “It’s a Wonderful Life.” As we get ready for Christmas, we are working on growing in gratitude and appreciating the life God has given us. While ingratitude is incompatible with happiness, grateful people are happy people. Since all of us are on a happiness quest, it makes sense to grow in gratitude.
First, we need to see the blessings and gifts given to us. If we don’t see them, then it is impossible to be grateful.
Second, we need to turn our attention toward the giver of the gifts. Ultimately, God is the giver of all our blessings. All good things come from him. So, to express gratitude, we must turn toward the source of our blessings and give God attention. In all of God’s gifts, he wants to build a relationship with us.
Third, we need to express our gratitude. We need to do something.
This week, we are examining obstacles that get in our way of seeing God’s blessings. Ask God today to help you see what gets in your way of seeing his blessings and gifts. Pray for the grace to overcome them.