Jesus said, “Stop judging and you will not be judged. Stop condemning and you will not be condemned.”
Luke 7:37
We are often tempted to judge other people. We are tempted to see the sins of others and condemn them for those sins. It is so much easier to look at their sins rather than our own. Jesus tells us to stop judging so that we won’t be judged. Stop condemning so we won’t be condemned.
We cannot condemn or judge someone and share our faith with them. These actions are mutually exclusive. Sharing our faith forces us to come face to face with our own sins and weaknesses. Sharing our faith forces us to recognize the sinful condition we share with others. Each one of us needs Jesus’ mercy and work on the cross.
Who are you tempted to judge for his or her sins? Perhaps that is the very person God is calling you to invest in and invite to church. Pray for the grace to stop condemning and judging. Pray that God will use you to lead this person to his mercy.