[Christa Ouellette, is a sophomore at Rowan University, and the Vice President of Rowan Catholic Campus Ministry. Recently she had an amazing experience, so I invited her to share it with all of us.]
Last semester, I attended Catholic Relief Service ambassador training. I got to meet lots of other university students that care about humanitarian issues that tie into Catholic Social Teaching. It was a great chance for our campus ministry to network and get ideas to take back to Rowan. I am already looking forward to planning tables and events to promote our ministry and worldly issues.
Because of this CRS training, I was inspired and felt called to go on the “Share the Journey” solidarity pilgrimage to the Texas-Mexico border. This “Share the Journey” campaign was created by Pope Francis so that we can share in the experience and be there for migrants and refugees. I was able to put my faith and education into action. I volunteered with other college students from the Diocese of Camden at the Humanitarian Respite Center in McAllen, Texas. We were able to help families fleeing violence and poverty in other countries by providing shelter, food, clothing, and a shoulder to lean on. I felt like I was able to make a difference not only by helping these families, but by hearing their stories and listening to their truth.
It is so easy for people to get caught up in the politics of it all. The issues involved at the border are much more complex than most people realize. I was fortunate enough to see it all first hand, not only during national migration week, but while the POTUS decided to make an appearance. Unfortunately, even after being invited, he did not come to the respite center to visit with migrant families. However, I was able to speak to the families, play with the children, speak to border patrol officers, and spend time along the border.
This trip has completely changed my worldview. I understand how fortunate I am to have my faith, a roof over my head, and caring people around me. I think everyone at the respite center, myself and volunteers included, are incredibly blessed to have a leader like Sister Norma. Sister Norma helped start the Humanitarian Respite Center and is president of Catholic Charities of the Rio Grande Valley. This issue of immigration is not political, but humanitarian. She works with border patrol and ICE to give immigrants back their dignity. After traveling for months and entering a detention center, these families are often beyond exhausted, some are ill, hungry, and unclean. Sister Norma stepped up, recognized the issue at hand, and did something about it. She cares about each individual that comes through the center.
Our group was able to do more than just volunteer at the respite center. We got to explore the Rio Grande Valley. We walked along the US-Mexico border and met the families living there. We spent one day visiting the sick and elderly, and hearing their stories. Many of them did not cross the border themselves, but still spoke only Spanish. The saying down there is, “we didn’t cross the border, the border crossed us.” It just goes to show how intense the division between the two neighboring countries has become over the recent years.
Our world is always changing. I’m glad to have been on this trip with the Diocese of Camden, Catholic Charities, and the Newman Clubs of Rowan, Stockton, and Rutgers-Camden. I felt that I was able to put my faith into action with others who felt the same way right alongside me. Being at the source of a hot issue in our country not only helped me become more educated, but understand that not everything is as it seems. Issues are more complex than many can begin to comprehend, especially not being at the source of it. The fact is, as Catholics, we believe in the dignity of every human life, from conception until death. The migrants and families coming into our country are fleeing violence and poverty. We are called to share in their journey, and treat them as our brothers and sisters in Christ.
Instructions on how to help/donate to the Respite Center can be found at https://www.catholiccharitiesrgv.org/Donations.aspx